Keynotes and Workshops
Today's world has a multitude of complexities and changes. Many feel a vague anxiety, alarm or confusion, and don’t know what to make of it, or what to do.
As an international academic and veteran university anthropologist, I offer you unique ways of getting a better grip on these dynamics, find a sense of relief, and discover purposeful ways of action.
As a university teacher it has been my task to guide students through the labyrinth of humanity, the evolution, and the physical environment. Now, I like to offer these explanations and practices to a wider public.
Economic and population growth are contributing to a rapid degradation of the planet. The gap between rich and poor keeps on growing. It looks like another financial crisis is looming. The decline of old village life, close family ties, permanent employment, national borders, religions, and political parties creates displacement and consternation. The media add to the confusion with lopsided information.
Good news
There is also good news. Wars and war casualties have dramatically dropped. A vast majority of us have more social and political freedom than ever and most people are experiencing an increase of economic welfare, health care, free time, education, information, communication and travel. Better methods for personal growth and healing are emerging.

Addressing the Dutch national committee that supports the emancipation of poor families in India. Utrecht.

Keynote address about climate change, followed by panel discussion with, from left to right, civil engineer Professor Han Vrijling, and Michel Jager, King’s Commissioner of Flevoland Province.
Subjects Covered
Here are ten societal changes that concern many of us. I offer you clarifications and tools to deal with them.
Climate change: human causes, effects and actions.
Degradation of the planet, which is much more than climate change.
Ceasing of old boundaries and rightwing reactionism.
Politics: innovations of democratic methods.
Violence in different forms worldwide: growing or diminishing.
Material poverty and wealth: improving or worsening.
Emotional-spiritual poverty and wealth: improving or worsening.
Cultural differences. Why is culture so tough? The role of the unconscious.
Why is it important to see religions and ideologies don’t shape behaviors?
Nature and nurture in the light of seven million years human evolution.
Ten Steps
In order to reduce fear, confusion or avoidance, I aim at the joy of gaining overview, assess priorities, understand proportions, search for causal connections, and develop best practices.
I help you to proceed in ten steps I give below. Never mind my abstract language. I present them here, just in case you’d like to know how we walk through the landscape of relief bringing discoveries. In practice, you may not even notice my dance with those concepts.
1. You select, alone or with me, a subject that worries you.
2. You gain a broad overview of the subject and avoid focus on details.
3. You understand proportions.
4. You find causal connections.
5. You deal with ongoing changes.
6. You deal with uncertainties.
7. You discern emotions in yourself and others.
8. You avoid negative reactions.
9. If wanted, you assess priorities for action.
10. You design and go for constructive action.
Book Me
Do you wish to book me as a speaker or group facilitator? Contact me and we explore possibilities.
Details about English or Dutch language, location, audience or group size, and length of time to be discussed.
​Rates vary from €35 to €150 per hour, depending on circumstances.